She Travels

- 5 min reading time

Go out and make time to meet the real me, definitely

May 8, 2020



May 8, 2020

When is the last time you had a genuine big smile in front of people instead of covering the bottom of your heart? Can you remember the day which thrills you when you just think of it and can’t stop waiting? Are you still frustrated that you are only a small being in front of the giant wall which lets you down?  

Many people are too tired to think about this.

Without noticing, we gradually get used to taking orders from someone and just do them as scheduled. There is so much burden piled up to us. Finally, we forget the fact that we are not this kind of person originally.  

You are someone who has lots of creative ideas, who loves to speak your opinion, you are brave to face your weakness and you are full of energy to go forward to your dream. But for now, you feel like you can’t do any of it.

Do you know what you need at this stage of life? you need to go out and make time to meet the real me, definitely.  

It was at this time of day, the middle of April, when I started my first solo trip to Prague. It was so cold even though it was an obvious spring, I was freezing to death, and so was my heart. I still remember what I thought in the Prague airport, “I wanna go back again. I really miss my cosy bed at home”.

The next day, I went on a short trip to Dresden, Germany. When the train ran across the border of Germany, my phone stopped working, because it was an unexpected visit, so I had just bought a Usim card which can only be used in Prague. No internet, drizzling all day in a foreign country without an umbrella, the only thing I could do was just hanging around places not far from the platform, trying not to forget the way back to train station.

Gray, gloomy half a day passed, I stood on the platform to take a train back to my accommodation in Prague. I wasn’t talkative, rather close to be shy, but at this time, I desperately needed someone to talk to. I looked around and found a solo traveller. Fortunately, he took the same train as me so I just followed him.

But when I tried to pull the door handle, it didn’t work. It was an embarrassing moment, struggling with handle. He stood up from his seat and he just pushed aside the door. Yes, not pulled, just pushed it. My original plan was to go in with a generous smile and talk to him. But that handle ruined everything and just left awkward moment.

There was the only strained atmosphere. Finally, he took his earphone from his pocket. As soon as I saw it, I realized that it would be over if he listened to his music and then the only thing left behind would be a three-hours silent time back to Prague. At that moment, the Announcement was released from the captain.

Instinctively, I noticed It was my last chance to change my day.

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So I said, “Did you understand what the train captain said?” he put down his earphone and started to explain like he wanted to talk to me too. As you can guess, I didn’t care what the announcement was about at all. From that time, we continued to chatter until we arrived at home,

It was an amazing experience to be able to share my thoughts and find in common with the person who I didn’t even know the name a few minutes ago but who had now become my friend. I wasn’t in a blue mood anymore. I was full of confidence with the fact I had just made it: “oh my god. I did it! I talk to a new person and have a great talk-time on the train which I dreamed of for a long time! Could I have imagined this would happen a few hours ago?”

I realized the key to change my situation is just in my hand. I’m powerful enough to improve a situation more than I think.  It is like breaking old me. If I hadn’t found the courage to talk first, If I hadn’t gone to travel by myself, I would have stayed the same, a coward giving up before taking action. If you have many “ If ” in your life, please just throw them in the trash can because it doesn’t help. Having time to think is only valuable when you are already on the way to carry out, thinking is nothing with itself.  

You are a brave and talented person, more than you think. All your strength is just hidden deep inside of you. And it’s waiting for you to find it. The best way to find it is to travel alone. You will be surprised by what you discover - how many things you can handle and how good your are at many things. A person whose inside is strong doesn’t tremble when meeting the huge wind. Being unbeatable is done by listening to my inner voice from my heart.

I hope you don’t miss the opportunity to face the real you. It is a huge privilege to go pursue your dreams.  We all know quarantine will end one day. Because we are being to see hope even in the desert watching stars in the sky. We keep doing our things with endless efforts to be stronger. I hope the day comes soon we will meet on the way to travel. Because we are NomadHer.


The article is contributed by Soyeon Bae from Goyang city, South Korea

It is just 4 years ago when I started my first solo trip. it is a genuinely amazing experience beyond my expectation. It is like I met the first Harry Potter book and fall in love with. From that time, the solo trip becomes so natural to me. It gives me time to think of me that I forget for a long time. Through travelling, I start to think who I am, what I like and etc. Solo trip reminds me of being yourself, do what you think is right, you deserve it.

More about NomadHer :

NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.

To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.

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