In 2010 I didn’t know what to do with my life and the crisis in Spain was not helping at all. I decided, with a hunch that I still can't explain, that I had to learn English and live an adventure. So I bought a ticket to a new place, Bournemouth, a small city on the coast of England. I still remember the tears at the airport, don't you ever think everything is wonderful?
In the beginning, my stay was going to be for three months, but the adventure ended up becoming in five years. Five years! After three months in Bournemouth, bored, I moved to London (the jungle, as I call it), where I worked very hard, but had the opportunity to visit all around England. I had to! Whenever I could and my budget allowed, I traveled to a new place; Bath, Oxford, Cardiff. And suddenly, I realize that I liked that version of myself, traveling and enjoying myself without depending on anyone.
Five years passed with its ups and downs, and I realized I missed Spain; my friends, my family, the warmth of the people, the sun, and, of course, the tapas.
But the woman who left, in 2010 stayed at the same airport of Madrid, returned as a woman with more self-esteem, knowing herself more, recognizing herself brave and as a warrior.
Definitely, valuing me as a woman.
And with the return, the crisis of the 30s arrived. And how did I deal with it?
I wanted to volunteer in Africa. And I did it. I wanted to travel to Costa Rica. And I traveled. And I couldn’t stop! Not just traveling but I tried new experiences. I have jumped from the highs, I have overcome an obstacle race, one of those that ends up full of mud (me! Hello?), I have jumped by zip lines to more than 800 meters high...
And still counting! With all these experiences have helped me to trust myself and even more,
I wanted to encourage other women to take a trip that would mark them for life, so that they could see that if I have traveled alone without needing anything or anyone, they can too (you, who read to me, you can too).
I hope this inspires you to take action and to travel to that place you always wanted to. With yourself ;)
This article is written by Patricia Frias
Hi NomadHers, I suffer from wanderlust. It doesn't matter if I can't find someone to travel with, I travel alone. And it's one of the most wonderful experience, it makes you realize how powerful you really are.
If you want to talk to Patricia about her travel journey and her life as a travel blogger you can find her on NomadHer App both on IOS and Android and send her a personal message and follow her travel journey. You can also follow her own Instagram on @cantstopmoving.blog and @cantstopmoving.es. Don’t forget to check out more articles on traveling solo as a woman in Spanish on her blog www.cantstopmoving.es
More about NomadHer :
NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.
To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.
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