She Travels

- 5 min reading time

How not having travel plan gives you freedom

April 3, 2020



April 3, 2020

Like most modern Westerners, I like to plan. I worked in corporate where I had to be very well-organized. Most of us are control freak and are afraid of the unknown. This fear is reflected during our holidays in which almost everything from morning until evening is planned in advance isn’t it?

But as we live this way, not only it can be stressful to run from place A to B, but we do not let room to be surprised. We do not allow ourselves to stay how long we truly want to stay for in the most paradisiac place, because we stick to the plan. Why don’t you change your mindset and live more freely?

Say hello to space and let life come to you. When abroad, give yourself a chance to learn from locals and other travelers to tell you where to go. A special place may call you, but sometimes you also want to stay and visit your new friends.


To allow adventure, you need to stop booking everything.  Create free time in your schedule allows you to live small and big adventures. It could be from being invited for a coffee, meet new people, explore nature, or none of these options. And by none, I mean something amazing, you also need to rest whilst traveling. Overdoing can happen easily, but when it does, you are restless, grumpy and certainly do not enjoy life as it is. It is not enough often highlighted, but you need to find the balance between rest and play.  

Here is a glimpse of my story. What happened to me last year thanks to the flexibility of my mindset and schedule.  2 years ago, I realized that I needed to bring meaning in my life. So I decided to sign up for a yoga teacher training in my top one dream destination that is, Bali. I thought that I would go there for one month, then come back to France to teach one class weekly, and will see how it goes from there. It did not happen like that at all, thank God. Here I was, jobless and alone at the opposite end of the world. However, it was one of the best times of my life. I felt that I was living a dreamy routine; Sunshine, amazing people, food, massage, sandy beach, yoga, surfing and more.


After 2 weeks I wondered about the next step. I was trying to honestly listen to my heart. My roommate invited me to join her as a volunteer yoga teacher for a summer yoga camp for unprivileged kids in Lovina, North Bali. The camp started a few days after the end of the yoga teacher training. It would be both a human and a professional experience.  This new path came to me, and I considered to accept this opportunity. Of course I had doubts and questions about my planned return date; If I am so happy here, why should I go home? What is there for me?

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The answer was: nothing. I could not return to Paris. The feeling came from the guts, I needed to be where I wanted to be. I needed to explore the world and its cultures. Give back to the most innocent form of beings: children. Stay with my new (yoga) sisters. I needed to live my own adventure.  I was both excited and scared, but I canceled my return ticket in a few minutes on my phone. It was the first time that I ever canceled something, to be honest.

It was actually technically very to do it. The most lengthy and challenging part was making the decision. I am so glad that I chose to change my plans and open the door to uncertainty. Having no plan was thrilling, I was free! Absolutely free. It gave me joy. A deep sense of wellbeing in all my cells and beyond. I was undoubtedly radiating happiness. This feeling has no price. I wish you all to feel it at least one time in your life. Because from there, we know that we can do anything. We know that we can change our minds, and that we have the power to shape our life the way we want to. It is liberating to realize that no one is forcing you to do anything.  A few days after that, the old me was a bit back in the game.


I wanted to book as soon as possible a room to stay in Ubud for the days between the yoga course and the yoga camp. While I was starting to be anxious because no one was organizing anything, a friend recommended that we should visit Uluwatu before going to Ubud. She convinced me, and I was actually so happy with this late offer. It gave me the chance to see both Uluwatu and Ubud - when a couple of weeks ago they were not in the plan.  I did not stop there. A few days later, I bought a one-way ticket for Australia. Until I was in the airport in Bali, I thought I would start the trip to Brisbane.

However I canceled my booking in Brisbane, instead I booked a hostel in Byron Bay. Because I listened to my heart. And so went on my trip, with many - not always last-minute decisions. This is how I visited places that I didn’t plan. I let room for opportunities to arise. And I mean stunning landscapes, parties, naps, etc… I admit that late booking is not always the best financially speaking, or at the emotional level. Thinking about what are you going to do next, where is your life going can be stressful.

You need to find the good timing. Later on, I planned with one month in advance and went to Melbourne, Bali, Cambodia, India, and other destinations in Europe.  By now you got the point of this article. I can tell you that before leaving for the teacher training in Bali, it was at the back of my mind to extend my adventure but I didn’t imagine I would so much.

I realized that we can shift our life quickly and it is more simple than we suspect. It takes time to let go of the advice and worries of your close ones, your own prejudices and believed duties. But the thing is, at the end this your life, so make it yours! Babes, you have the power to shape the life you want. Trust yourself. Stop worrying, it is pointless to waste time and energy for something that it isn’t worthy.

Now is the moment to be fully alive. Let life flows for you. Be here, be who you want to be on this lovely and unique planet.  See you on the road, From my heart to yours, XIao.

This blog article is written by Xiao Lu.


“I am at a citizen of the world, life enthusiast and curious by nature.  I am a yoga teacher, nutritionist, health advocate and travel lover. My experience in sciences provide me with knowledge of the human body and evolution. I grew up as an athlete, I was a gymnast competitor at the national level and it taught me how movement is important in life. I went through my twenty-something crisis And I needed to change my life before being depressed or burned out. My studies abroad initiated me to explore the world solo. All things put together, I changed my whole life for the best. I am excited to share my healthy living and inspirations with you. For those who wish to be connected to me, you can find me on NomadHer App and send me DM or on my Instagram handle @yogini_wonderer”

More about NomadHer :

NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.

To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.

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