Travel Guide

- 5 min reading time

Is Tanzania safe for solo female travelers?

March 3, 2022



March 3, 2022

Can you tell me a bit about yourself, what is your current situation ?

My name is Magreth, I’m from Tanzania, I’m the owner of Juntos adventures and Safari here in Tanzania. “Juntos” means together, I came up with this idea to have my own tour company to encourage women to travel all around the world.

And I also have school to support families that don’t have money, orphanages, so they get education for free for kids which are 2-6 year old. You are all welcome to support us and donate some books, clothes, food. Kids are our next generation, so let’s put smiles on their faces 😊 And God will bless you !

You can meet other female travelers around the world by joining the NomadHer community on the app ! You can download it on the Google Play Store or on the Apple store !

Did you visit other countries?

Unfortunately, I have never been out of Tanzania, but I hope one day I will, and my dream destinations are Paris in France and Rome in Italy !

What does travelling alone bring you ?

Travel alone brings :

  • Energy booster
  • Connection with new people
  • Learn new things and room for exposure
  • Stress-free shutter and Rejuvenation
  • Room for meditation

Where do you recommend to travel to visit in Tanzania?

I love to go hiking, I wish one day I will climb the Kilimanjaro mountain, the highest mountain in Africa, visit all our national parks especially Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro crater, Manyara National Park, Tarangire National Park and the beautiful island of Zanzibar. We call it paradise, I can’t get enough of it 🥰

What would you say to people who say that travelling alone as a woman is dangerous ?

First I want to tell people that Women are not weak, they are strong, and they can protect themselves from anything bad. Second, traveling alone as a woman is not dangerous since my country has a good security to protect people and also people in Tanzania, local people are so kind, so people should stop discourage women to travel alone especially when it’s comes to Tanzania. Our country is so peaceful with good people.

If you want to learn more about women-friendly destinations, join the NomadHer community and connect with over 10,000 women travelers all around the world ! You can join by downloading the app on the Google Play Store or on the Apple store !

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How could we change this idea that women shouldn’t travel alone, and should go with someone ?

I can change the idea that women shouldn’t travel alone by showing the experiences I had as a female traveler and showing that nothing happened, I only enjoyed the discovery of the nature ! And I think the idea can be changed if women dare to travel alone and experience that it is not dangerous, I also think that women who are travelling should focus on their experience and not give attention to things that they don’t know about. That’s why tour guides exist, they will be there to ensure that you are safe !

What is your worst experience ? How did you handle it ? Did it have an impact on you, your behavior or your life ?

The worst experience is when I plan a trip and I arrange everything so that my clients can have a great enjoyment but at the end, they postpone the trip so I have to communicate with the park and hotel people to cancel all the bookings and payments I did.

It has an impact especially in my business since I get a loss, and it changes my life because I have to live out of the budget, I have to recover from the loss I get.

What were the difficulties you had to overcome while travelling ?

Things to overcome while traveling are being sick, not understanding the language, running out of cash or getting lost by not knowing the place well

Best souvenir while travelling ?

The best souvenir I had while travelling was the way I was able to meet my customer’s satisfaction by getting them to the right place they wanted to visit.

How do you think travelling can empower women ?

Traveling can empower women because they can generate their income through traveling, and they can connect with strategic people from different countries in the world

Did you meet other NomadHers ?

No I didn’t get a chance to meet any member of NomadHer, but I wish, and I hope one day I will meet amazing women in different countries !

A message you want to give to the women who will read you ?

A message to someone who will read this is that they should believe in themselves, that they can do better ! Also in any journey to success there are a lot of difficulties, but they will keep you strong because there is no success without passing through ups and downs Difficulty should not be your downfall, instead you’re growing up.

More about NomadHer :

NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.

To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.

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