NomadHer is the #1 application for female globetrotters encouraging safe solo travel. Our mission is “Empowering Women Through Travel”.
NomadHer opens an illustration competition for the official poster of the globetrotter festival 2022. This Oct, the Globetrotter festival for women travelers will be held in Seoul, Paris, San Francisco, and New York. It is the opportunity to show your illustration all over the world. Over 15,000 women travelers from 178 countries in the community are waiting to see your great work now.
Thank you to everyone who submitted an illustration to the 2022 NomadHer Illustration Challenge! Click the link below to vote for your top 5 favorite illustrations!
Subject: “She can travel anywhere”
For the NomadHer Illustration Competition 2022, we invited all female illustrators who verify as NomadHer to draw an illustration to encourage women travelers to start their trip with confidence!
See the gallery below for all 133 beautiful illustrations submitted by NomadHers from all around the world!
Semi-Final Voting (12 PM Tuesday, Sept 27 - 11:59 PM Thursday, Sept 29th)
Vote the illustration that best represents that “She Can Travel Anywhere” through the NomadHer App voting form. The top 15 illustrations will move on to the final round of voting on the NomadHer App!
Final Round Voting (12 PM Friday, Sept 30th - 11:59 PM Sunday, Oct 2nd)
Vote for your 2 favorite illustrations from the top 15 images in the final round. The top three illustrations with the most votes will win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes.
Winner Announcement (Monday, Oct 3rd)
The Illustration Challenge top three winners will be contacted directly on the NomadHer App. The illustration with the most votes will become the official banner for the 2022 Female Globetrotter Festival in Paris, Seoul, and San Francisco! Along with that, the top three illustrations will be featured as future splash screens of the NomadHer App.
All times are in Paris Local Time!
More about NomadHer :
NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.
To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.
Team Updates
December 13, 2021
We had a NomadHer illustration by partnering with Busan City and around 15 NomadHers from all different parts of the world have participated. Here are stories of 3 winners.
Team Updates
August 31, 2022
NomadHer is the #1 application for female globetrotters encouraging safe solo travel. Our mission is “Empowering Women Through Travel”.
Team Updates
November 25, 2022
Last Sep, the 2nd NomadHer illustration challenge opened for the official poster of the globetrotter festivals 2022 which was held in the 3 global cities of Seoul, Paris, and San..
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