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The Virtual Female Globetrotter Festival : How traveling can help change lives

January 25, 2021



January 25, 2021

The Virtual Female Globetrotter Festival is an annual event hosted by Nomadher, its purpose is to reignite our love for travel and bring our community together.

If you couldn’t participate in our videoconferences on September 25 and 26 of 2020, no worries, we made a little recap just for you.


For its second Edition, the festival had to adapt and was held online due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, it could not hold us back from impacting our wish to rekindle our love for travel and bring our community together in these difficult times.

What was on the program?

  • A Speaker sessions in 4 different languages (Spanish, Korean, French, English)
  • An Art/Photo Exhibition,
  • Startup Booths,
  • A Live Yoga Session,
  • A DJ party and networking sessions.

The french session welcomed 4 panelists:


Cam Linh Huynh - Photographer

"The goal of my project is to give a new perspective on asian women other than the one people  have."

Tiana Bl - Graphic designer and founder of Afrogarden

"[...] so that I can go to Africa to draw my inspiration from its richness for my boxes".

Lisa Billiard - Founder of CagoleNomades

"Our goal is to make practical and comfortable  clothes in a stylish way so that they represent the values of today's younger women..."

Claire Siegert - Co- Founder of Businettes

"[....] We focus on solo female entrepreneurs..."

The theme of the talk was about “How traveling can help change lives”

Interviewed by Hyo, CEO and founder of Nomadher, these young entrepreneurs told us their different travel stories and the source of their inspiration for their work.

During their exchange, the word "Prejudices" came up each time, they exposed through their stories, the prejudices they had to face in their personal and professional lives.

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Lisa Brillard explained where she got the idea for the name of her startup and the reason behind it.

"Cagole refers to a stereotype of some women from the south of France... basically these are bothersome girls. So I told myself these women represent my culture, they don't care what people think of them, they are determined, authentic, they bother because they take up space in public areas[ ...] I had to reappropriate this word  [ ...] today to be a nomad cagole is to be committed".

Today these women are fighting to reduce and eradicate prejudices about women through their various projects.

"I chose to put the spotlight on women in urban art [...] my project aims to create a space for them and their projects".

Cam Linh Huynh

"Businettes is a digital platform designed to motivate women and support them in their entrepreneurship journey".

Claire Siegert

"The goal is to make people travel through my art but also by putting in the spotlight black women and the African continent."

Tiana Bl

Finally, to answer the question on the theme of the conference, the speakers all agreed that solo traveling has changed their perception of life, for them, traveling enabled them to gain in maturity, courage and self-confidence.

Traveling solo is a taste of freedom and independence.

NomadHer Team thanks these courageous women for their time and commitment.

More about NomadHer :

NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.

To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.

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